ALL Transformations – Image Consultant, Phoenix, Scottsdale, AZ
“What Does Your Image Say About You?”

We provide top-to-bottom image transformations, customized to enhance your self-confidence, appearance, outlook and overall well-being.
What is your present “transformational” stage of life?
Are you…
- Going from married to single and re-entering the dating scene?
- Getting married soon?
- Changing careers or positions within a corporation?
- Beginning a career?
- Losing weight?
- In need of a new professional or personal “look”?
- In need of a closet cleansing?
“You only have one chance, 7 seconds, to make your first impression. We can help you make it your absolute best!”
Is your company looking to portray a certain image or re-brand? We can help your employees properly represent that image company-wide.
We specialize in:
- Color Analysis
- Body Shape Evaluation
- Hairstyle
- Skincare
- Makeup
- Eye Wear
- Weight Loss
- Nutrition & Fitness Solutions
- Closet Cleanse
- Shopping Expeditions for Clothing & Accessories
- Personal Shopper
- Classes, Workshops & Event Speaker
Annette L. Loertscher | 480-292-0297
Personal & Corporate Image Consultant
Fashion & Personal Brand columnist for SmartFem® Phoenix Arizona’s Premiere Online Women’s Magazine.